Clash of the Titans & Wrath of the Titans

Clash of the Titans had the good fortune of having Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Sam Worthington (and others) show up. That is about the only good thing. A complete CGI spectacle that misses on every level. Perhaps I should have seen this in 3D at the movie theater. I doubt that I would have been any more impressed than I am now, but who knows, style over substance has swayed me before. This time it clearly didn’t.

What these films do show is that the Wrath of Hollywood is truly powerful. It made Neeson, Fiennes and Worthington show up again, and for such a mediocre sequel. Some actors were replaced, but nobody cares and I shouldn’t even have time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit. Combined box office was nearly USD 800 Million so I am sure another installment will spawn from the center of Hollywood’s Universe.

I think The Gods Must Be Crazy. Oops, that was an entirely different kind of movie, which by the way also got a sequel and both were better than these two combined.

♥ ♥ . . . & . . . . .

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