
It runs throughout Robert Zemeckis’ work as director, producer and writer. All his characters start out with flaws but during a 120 minute plus timespan they always find ways to redeem themselves. Denzel Washington’s characters follow the same path in all his films. When will we ever see a movie where Denzel, as flawed character, gets away with questionable actions? Not even in American Gangster or as Det. Alonzo Harris in Training Day, as Washington always gets his due, whether it be death or prison time.

Flight is not a bad film, but as the story develops we are asked to feel for a flawed character struggling with his own conscience, while being assisted by a corporate lawyer. Yes, it was intentionally uncomfortable and therefore it felt as an easy way out. Every time we step into an airplane don’t we fully surrender to the state of its flight crew and most importantly its captain? Should we now have second thoughts? Then again, what about a surgeon or teacher or bank manager? We expect those who serve the public to be in sound mental and physical condition at all times. When the airliner “rolls” in this film, seeing things upside down can make things clearer. It’s time to get out of the bubble, because real life does not allow for suspension of disbelief.

♥ ♥ ♥ . .

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