Last of the Dogmen

A Montana tracker (Tom Berenger) and a history professor (Barbara Hershey) are following clues to an undiscovered tribe of Cheyenne warriors called Dogmen. In Hollywood there continues to be a fascination with lost civilizations. They look for it in the strangest places, literally and figuratively. From the center of the earth to far away planets, from long gone eras to futuristic times. No matter what civilization is presented to us, why do we have a need to fear it, to change it, to destroy it?

This film is from one-time director, Tab Murphy. However, as screenwriter he is credited with several animated Disney films, Tarzan, Brother Bear (1 and 2), Atlantis and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He also had his hand in the story for Gorillas in the Mist. The common thread in his films: lost societies. Berenger recently received an Emmy for his role as Jim Vance in History Channel’s Hatfields & McCoys. Hershey’s most recent notable role was as Nathalie Portman’s obsessive overbearing mother in Black Swan.

In the late nineties I came across this film as a midnight flick on TV, I am glad I watched it again and so should you.

 ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  .

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